Since 1870...
In 1992, the Arnault family, Fabienne and Philippe, took over this former 1870 post house, ideally located between Sologne and Sancerre, between Bourgogne and the castles of the Loire Valley, in the heart of Aubigny-sur-Nère, the historic city of the Stuarts. Visible beams, bricks, stone walls, woodwork, all the charm of the "solognot" style is carefully highlighted, serving a comforting atmosphere. Refined decoration, combining sobriety and modernity, with the right taste for a warm welcome by Fabienne and Cécile, the girl.
In the cuisine, Philippe, assisted by his son-in-law Sébastien, freely develop a cuisine composed of the riches of this wonderful land of game, forest and market gardening.
La Chaumière is registered in all Michelin guides since their creation in 1900! It should be noted, because there are few establishments that have deserved and without interruption, their citation since this guide provides drivers with its best gourmet and relaxing addresses.
Since 1992, many evolutions! New restaurant, banquet or seminar rooms, many rooms with all the latest comforts, landscaped terrace in the inner courtyard for gastronomic evenings on sunny days.
New projects to come, certainly!